Good news! NIST Releases Cybersecurity Framework 2.0! reported that “New guidance expands the frame to consider organizations beyond critical infrastructure; it also addresses governance and supply chain cybersecurity.”  The February

 26, 2024 Report entitled “NIST Releases Cybersecurity Framework 2.0” ( which included these comments:

 NIST released its first CSF in 2014, at the direction of a presidential executive order to help organizations, specifically critical infrastructure, mitigate cybersecurity risk. The CSF 2.0 builds on the existing five basic functions (Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover) and has been updated to include a sixth, Govern. NIST's CSF 2.0 also addresses supply chain risks.

NIST noted CSF 2.0 includes a reference tool cybersecurity teams can use to gather guidance data, as well as a searchable catalog, and a wide offering of references to help organizations of all sizes and sophistication levels implement the new framework.

Good news for the US government and vendors regulated by NIST!


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